Jude has been crawling since about the beginning of August. She didn't start off slow, didn't work her way up to it, just up and zoomed across the room one day. What was the first thing that she did when she could crawl? She headed right over to the closest thing that she could find to pull herself up on.
If you come into our home, on any given day, you'll likely find Jude chasing after Oscar, and squealing in delight on the rare occasions that he'll actually stay still and let her crawl all over him. You might find her playing with her musical Mozart cube, or her trusty tambourine. You will most likely find her with dried food stuck to her face, and her socks pulled off.
She's getting big, which means she is getting heavy! Her skinny little frame is beginning to fill out, and her top two front teeth are showing now!
She is, indeed, the Mighty Jude!