Can't hardly believe it's December! This month Jude turns 1! She looks so much older and more like a little girl, than a baby. It's been so intensely amazing watching her develop and emerge into her own little person, right in front of our eyes. It does sometimes make me long for those moments she slept on my chest, undisturbed, and uninterested in moving. Time must move forward though, and she has such a happy personality, that I don't stay sad too long.
Jude is still crawling. I guess you could say she's an expert crawler, and although she cruises around holding onto furniture, and can stand by herself, she hasn't shown too much interest in taking those first few steps. As fast as she is as a crawler, I don't know that I want to rush her into walking. Look out when she does start to walk, because this girl likes to move!
We just enjoyed our first trip to NYC. We got to see Iiana's family and visit fun places like The Central Park Zoo, the aquarium, Coney Island, The Bronx Zoo, and even more. We had a blast!
Now we are back at home, gearing up for Jude's 1st birthday and for Christmas.
Happy Holidays EVERYONE!
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