Man O man, how the time flies. Jude is nearing 3 at a rapid pace, and I haven't made an entry on this blog in over a year! We got pretty got up with our wedding, and everything else fell on the back burner. What a year we've had! Jude got to be a flower girl, as her mommies got married in August!
Now let's get to what this blog is really suppose to be about, Jude! What a determined little girl. Jude has to do everything herself, she gets very mad when other people try to go things for her. She loves cereal, noodles, yogurt, pizza, peanut butter, graham crackers, apples, and string cheese. She dislikes pretty much everything else. Yes, Jude has become a picky eater. Her current television obsession is Diego, and she would watch it pretty much all day if we would let her. She still loves going to the park, and is actually quite good at dribbling a soccer ball (which of course, just makes me very proud). Last month we graduated her to a twin size bed with no railing, and she seems to be doing great with it. We go back and forth on whether we want to redo her room, since we plan on relocating in 2014.
We are very happy to announce, that although there are definitely signs and symptoms of the terrible 3's, Jude is still very much a sweet and cuddly kid. Most of her tantrums involve not wanting us to leave her (mostly at bed and nap time).
She talks constantly. She says she doesn't like it when her mommies are gone, and that sometimes she really wants us. She recently started pre-school, and is amazing for drop offs and pick ups. It's always fun to see her excited face when I pick her up from school at 11:30. Best part of my day!
We will keep you posted in the months to come.
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