Thursday, March 28, 2013

Jude @ 3

I don't know who came up with the saying 'terrible 2's', they were clearly mistaken, as it is most definitely the terrible 3's in our house! Jude is "strong willed", I believe that is the polite way to say it. Although a bit more trying right now, she is still overall, our fun loving-happy girl.
Age 3 has been fun, because she comes up with the funniest things. Today we saw one of those big trucks that is used to transport other cars and vehicles, it was full of different trucks, suvs, and cars. Jude said she wanted to sell our cube, and buy a white truck instead! Those were her exact words. So I have decided to try to keep track of silly things she says as she's been growing up.

Me: Jude, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Jude: A cowboy.

It's good to eat a lot of grilled cheese because grilled cheese is good to make you strong so you can play. Grilled cheese is my favorite! -Jude
One day, I asked Jude to go get dressed. She brought back a bikini top and leg warmers!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Man O man, how the time flies. Jude is nearing 3 at a rapid pace, and I haven't made an entry on this blog in over a year! We got pretty got up with our wedding, and everything else fell on the back burner. What a year we've had! Jude got to be a flower girl, as her mommies got married in August!
Now let's get to what this blog is really suppose to be about, Jude! What a determined little girl. Jude has to do everything herself, she gets very mad when other people try to go things for her. She loves cereal, noodles, yogurt, pizza, peanut butter, graham crackers, apples, and string cheese. She dislikes pretty much everything else. Yes, Jude has become a picky eater. Her current television obsession is Diego, and she would watch it pretty much all day if we would let her. She still loves going to the park, and is actually quite good at dribbling a soccer ball (which of course, just makes me very proud). Last month we graduated her to a twin size bed with no railing, and she seems to be doing great with it. We go back and forth on whether we want to redo her room, since we plan on relocating in 2014.
We are very happy to announce, that although there are definitely signs and symptoms of the terrible 3's, Jude is still very much a sweet and cuddly kid. Most of her tantrums involve not wanting us to leave her (mostly at bed and nap time).
She talks constantly. She says she doesn't like it when her mommies are gone, and that sometimes she really wants us. She recently started pre-school, and is amazing for drop offs and pick ups. It's always fun to see her excited face when I pick her up from school at 11:30. Best part of my day!

We will keep you posted in the months to come.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A letter to Jude

To my little munchkin head,
I can't believe you are nearing 19 months of age, which makes the 2 year mark seem like it's right around the corner. Time has gone by so fast, you are starting to look like such a little lady. I can't believe all the talking you are doing, and there isn't a day that goes by that you don't surprise us with something else you've learned.
Things I've observed about you during this growth, is that you are very curious. The way you study and look at things with such wonder. If you can't figure something out very quickly, you get really frustrated and make a sort of screeching sound before asking for help. You LOVE to talk and to mimic how Mama Llana talks on the phone. You like cars, trains, and musical toys. You also enjoy legos, your toy kitchen, and our dog Oscar. Some of your favorite foods are yogurt, black berries, cheese and nearly anything with peanut butter. You don't much care for milk. You love being chased, and sometimes being tickled. You love to go down slides, and to play with rocks. You are a very sweet girl, always giving hugs and kisses.
We just recently converted your crib into a big girl bed, you can get in and out yourself, but you still don't. You stand at the edge and wait for us to come get you. You are such a good girl. You bring us joy constantly.
Most days you start the day by wanting to nurse, and by reading books. You love your books! You also like for me to sing to you, especially songs with activity. Songs like 'I'm a little teapot', 'the itsy bitsy spider, or 'if you're happy and you know it'. I love singing with you, and Mama Llana loves reading with you.
Everyday is special. Everyday is a blessing!
I love you!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A lot can happen in 3 months!

It's only been 3 months since my last post, and looking back on the previous entry, makes me realize how much Jude has evolved and developed in such a small amount of time. Not only can she walk, she runs, runs us all around the house. She goes up the stairs (on hands and knees) like a pro, and scoots down on her bottom with little to no assistance. She's saying words. She says: nurse, no, nose, near, Momma. She also does the sign for please, and for more. She laughs, she smiles, she plays...she's an amazing little girl! Jude rarely fusses or cries, only when she's been feverish and teething. She's currently working on getting her first set of molars, and is eating well. No more baby food for Jude, she is now eating mostly from our plates, or snacks. She understands a great deal of what we say. When I ask her if she wants to go upstairs and take a bath, she runs for the stairs, and heads straight for the tub.
She's a fun, smart, joyful girl. I will do everything in my power to make sure she always stays that way!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This month, Jude turns 1!

Can't hardly believe it's December! This month Jude turns 1! She looks so much older and more like a little girl, than a baby. It's been so intensely amazing watching her develop and emerge into her own little person, right in front of our eyes. It does sometimes make me long for those moments she slept on my chest, undisturbed, and uninterested in moving. Time must move forward though, and she has such a happy personality, that I don't stay sad too long.
Jude is still crawling. I guess you could say she's an expert crawler, and although she cruises around holding onto furniture, and can stand by herself, she hasn't shown too much interest in taking those first few steps. As fast as she is as a crawler, I don't know that I want to rush her into walking. Look out when she does start to walk, because this girl likes to move!
We just enjoyed our first trip to NYC. We got to see Iiana's family and visit fun places like The Central Park Zoo, the aquarium, Coney Island, The Bronx Zoo, and even more. We had a blast!
Now we are back at home, gearing up for Jude's 1st birthday and for Christmas.
Happy Holidays EVERYONE!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October all ready?

It's October all ready?! Heck, it's almost November. The time does definitely fly by. It's hard to believe that Jude's first birthday is right around the corner. She's definitely becoming her own little person.
Jude's latest feats would include:
Standing unsupported
drinking out of a sippy cup by herself
climbing up stairs
cruising around furniture
sleeping in her own bed at night and for naps
We are enjoying every second!